Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Best Way to Buy a Mattress - Steps and Considerations to Take When Mattress Shopping

Is it time for you to buy a mattress? Perhaps your old one needs replacement, or maybe you're upgrading from a full sized bed to a queen sized, or maybe you now have a partner to share your bed with. Whatever your reasons are for looking for a new mattress, always keep in mind that mattress buying isn't a minor decision. You are going to be sleeping on your mattress every night, and the quality of your sleep will affect your temperament for the entire day. So you should definitely be careful in searching for the right mattress to buy.

Here are some steps to follow:

1. Evaluate Your Needs

Check your needs. Do you have an existing mattress? If so, what problems do you have with it? Is it the size? Is it too firm? Is it too soft? Whatever observations you have regarding your current mattress can help guide you to getting a better mattress. Also, consider any special needs. Do you prefer a more luxurious feel when sleeping? You might appreciate the mattresses with velveteen surface covers rather than the usual cotton covers. Do you and your partner have different firmness preferences? You might want to consider the air mattresses with adjustable firmness/softness levels.

2. Research

Once you know your own needs, it's time to know what the industry offers. Do research on the different types of mattresses and know what their advantages and disadvantages are. Check out consumer reviews and expert recommendations. Find out which mattresses are most recommended for your specific situation, given all your needs and special preferences. Find out which mattress manufacturers produce the best mattresses. Find out how much you should pay for the mattress of your choice. Only a good research can help you prepare for your final purchase.

3. Compare

How do you shop? Do you go to a store and get the first item you see? In shopping for a mattress, always compare different options. Don't pick out one product, see if it matches your needs, and then buy it. For all you know, another mattress out there meets your needs, provides additional features, and offers a better price.

Different Factors to Consider

Now, in your research and comparison, which factors should you pay the most attention to?

1. The size of the mattress

The first thing to consider is the size of the mattress. This should be the first factor that narrows down your many options. Here are the available mattress sizes.

· California King 72x84 inches
· King 76x80 inches
· Queen 60x80 inches
· Full 54x75 inches
· Twin 39x75
· Extra long twin 39x80

2. Spring or foam?
Next, decide whether you prefer a mattress that uses coil springs as the core or foam as the core.

3. Memory foam or latex foam?
If you decide to go for a foam mattress, you need to further choose between memory foam and latex foam.

4. Soft or firm?
Different innerspring, memory foam, and latex foam mattresses also provide different softness and firmness levels. For example, one model of a memory foam mattress will appear in around three different versions: soft, firm, medium firm. This way, you can get that model with all its features but with the firmness level you prefer.

Need a mattress buying guide to help you buy a mattress? Here are some mattress reviews that will help.

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