Looked at your mattress lately? Is it a little lumpy? Does it seem to sink in showing where you lay every night? It this normal? What should I do? If you are like me, you don't like this much. It looks bad and you just don't like it. Hi. This is Terry L McGee, the former mattress salesman again with article two on buying a mattress. Before I was trained to sell a mattress, I had a completely different idea about body impressions on the mattress. I used to think this was a bad thing and it must mean my mattress was wearing out or it was a bad mattress to start with or something.
I must admit, I still don't like the way it looks, but body impressions are what you want. What did you say, Terry? That is right a body impression let's you know your mattress is working. It shows that the mattress is forming to your body shape and offering you support. If a mattress is too hard and does not conform to the shape of your body, you will not see much of a body impression.
Now this is not a way in itself to tell if your mattress suits you or not, so don't get confused. I just want you to know that it is normal for a mattress to show body impressions. If you think about it logically, you will realize that softer materials are used on top to bring softness and comfort to you. So naturally when you use soft materials, your body weight is going to compress these materials. Where you lie on the bed is going to be flatter than where you don't lay.
When you purchase a new mattress, it will be only be a short time, until you begin to see this impression in the mattress. If you start to notice an
impression after a few weeks or months, you might get the impression that your mattress was no good or is going bad. But on the contrary, it is doing its job and working to bring you comfort. If you make a mattress out of material that is so dense and hard that it will not allow a body impression to be made with say 200 lbs., that would be a hard mattress indeed and probably very uncomfortable.
If you sleep on the floor, you will not see a body impression. The floor is too hard to leave an impression. It is also too hard to sleep on with any level of comfort. Get the picture. There is a balance between hardness and comfort level to achieve, with different materials. But the body impression is not in itself an indication that your mattress is bad. So don't go out there looking for a new one before its time.
If a body impression dips in over 1 3/4 inches, then you have a problem and would be considered a warranty issue. You should take a look at your warranty and the time of purchase to see if you can get a prorated amount towards your new mattress.
I know, I don't like the way the surface of the mattress looks either when you get these impressions. But it is just one of those things in life you must accept. It may not look good, but if you are getting a good nights sleep each and every night, your mattress is doing its job. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Let your body tell you how your mattress is doing, not just your eyes.
You can cover up the lumpy surface with a nice mattress cover, sheets and comforter and make those body impressions disappear from sight. I hope this article saves you time, money and discomfort.
Source: http://www.articlecircle.com
About the Author
http://www.free-vacation-offer.net Author Terry L. McGee resides in West Virginia with Wife Valerie. He is an internet marketer and writer. For more
information on free marketing tools and free vacation offer. 304-210-2297 tmcgee@charter.net
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